- To: Hon Secretary / Secretary Manager / Junior Convenor
Ladies & Gentlemen
The Ulster Branch has launched a Junior Golf Facebook Page – can you circulate the following link to your Junior Members and like the page on your own face book site as well.https://www.facebook.com/pages/Golfing-Union-of-Ireland-Ulster-Branch/427349867413954?fref=ts
You do not need to be a member of facebook to read this page but it will help with the circulation if it is liked as many time as possible.
If this email looks like it is written in double dutch speak to one of your Junior Members, I am sure that they will be able to enlighten you just as Jess Boal has been able to do with us in the Ulster Branch Office.
Many Thanks
Kevin Stevens
General Secretary
Golfing Union of Ireland (Ulster Branch)
Unit 5 Forestgrove Business Park
Newtownbreda Road
Belfast BT8 6AWTel: 028 9049 1891
Fax; 028 9049 1615
Mobile: 07886 103713
Email: kevin@gui-ulster.co.uk