Peter Duignan, PGA Teaching Professional

Peter will be available two nights per week and one day per weekend to give lessons and custom fit or repair golf clubs. He will also be placing a number of golf items behind the bar for purchase by our members. He will open the Pro Shop for Christmas period and sell a comprehensive range of golfing equipment.

Brief Career History; Peter Duignan is the resident PGA Golf Teaching Professional at County Longford Golf Club, Peter having spent 5 years as Assistant professional at Portmarnock Golf Club under the guidance of Joey Purcell qualified as a Golf Professional in 1999. He then spent 6 years as the Golf Professional at Charlesisland G.C.

A Teaching Pedigree; Peter has set up a school of golf at his home club and promises that any change that he may suggest during a lesson are easy to understand and implement. Peter has designed programmes for all levels and ages of golfing. He uses VI teaching Technology for comprehensive swing analysis. In his teaching Peter puts great emphasis short game improvement. He also works on a player’s concentration and confidence and on the mental elements of the game. Peter strive to make the golfer a better player and a happier golfer.

Peter uses the latest technology “Flightscope” for custom fitting of clubs and a comprehensive club repair service.

Contact Details; Peter’s contact details; Mobile 086-8383252. Email