Fifth Edition including all amendments up to 1st February 2024.
Title and Ownership 3
Membership 3
Objects 4
Trustees 8
Officers 10 /Presidents 10
Management 11
Elections – Officers and Committees 13
Committee Meetings 16
Employment of Staff 17
Management Regulations 18/ Appointment of Sub-Committees 18
Administration 19
Finance 21
Admission of Members 26
Categories of Members 28
Annual Subscription 35
Leave of Absence 37
Visitors and Temporary Members 38
Fines and Suspensions 41
Termination of Membership 42
General Meetings 45
(The Men’s & The Ladies Club’s – The Parent Club) Minute Books 51
Playing Facilities 52
Personal Property 53/ Registration of Clubs Acts 1904/1988-2000 53
Change of Constitution and Rules 57
Club Rules 59
Commencement/ Policy Statement 61
Notes 63-64
1.1. The name of the club shall be County Cavan Golf Club and this name shall be the common name by which the Men’s club, the Ladies’ Club and the Parent club shall be individually and collectively known.
1.2. The ownership of the club property shall be vested in the Trustees for the time being of the club on behalf of Full Ordinary Members. The Full Ordinary Members only shall have control of the affairs of the club.
1.3. The official address of the club is Drumelis, Cavan in the County of Cavan.
1.4. In the event of any future disposal of the assets of County Cavan Golf Club, a member will have had to have been a fully paid up Full Ordinary Member for a continuous period of 6 years prior to the date of such disposal in order to avail of and be a beneficiary of the proceeds of any such disposal or sale.
2.1. The membership of the Men’s Club shall consist of playing male members who are Full Ordinary Members, other Subscribing Members and Honorary Members.
2.2. The membership of the Ladies’ club shall consist of playing female members who are Full Ordinary Members, other Subscribing Members and Honorary Members.
2.3. The membership of the Parent Club shall consist of all members of each of the Men’s Club and Ladies’ Club and all other members duly elected from time to time.
3.1. The Men’s Club shall:-
3.1.1 Promote the Amateur game of Golf among its members.
3.1.2 Accept and abide by the Constitution and Bye-Laws of Golf Ireland to which the club is affiliated and the Bye-Laws of the Ulster branch.
3.1.3. Accept and apply the Standard Scratch Score and Handicapping scheme as prescribed by Golf Ireland and such rules thereunder as may require to be implemented from time to time by Golf Ireland
3.1.4. Accept and recognise the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews as the sole authority for prescribing and implementing the Rules of Golf and the Rules of amateur status.
3.1.5 Accept that the Parent Club is the overall authority for administering the affairs of both the Men’s and the Ladies’ clubs subject as provided in these rules.
3.2. The Ladies’ Club shall:-
3.2.1. Promote the Amateur game of Golf among its members.
3.2.2. Accept and abide by the Constitution and Bye-Laws of Golf Ireland to which the club is affiliated and the Bye- Laws of the Ulster Branch.
3.2.3. Accept and apply the Handicapping System as prescribed by Golf Ireland and such rules thereunder as may require to be implemented from time to time by such union.
3.2.4. Accept and recognise the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews as the sole authority for prescribing and implementing the rules of Golf and the Rules of Amateur status.
3.2.5. Accept that the Parent club is the overall authority for administering the affairs of both the Men’s and the Ladies’ Clubs subject as provided in these rules.
3.3. The Parent club shall:-
3.3.1. Provide facilities for the playing and promotion of the amateur game of golf by Men, Women, Students and Juniors and generally promote amateur games and other social activities among its members.
3.3.2. Act as administrator of the affairs (other than golf competitions) of both the Men’s Club and the Ladies’ Club which shall include:
(a) Provision of and responsibility for the maintenance and upkeep of the course and clubhouse and their environs to the standard required by club members.
(b) Provision of Bar and Catering facilities and all that this entails
(c) Collection of Annual Club subscriptions and other club monies payable by members.
3.3.3. Recommend the Annual Subscription to be paid by members of different categories of membership in each club, which recommendation shall be placed before an Annual General meeting or an Extraordinary General meeting of the Parent club for ratification or amendment.
3.3.4. Decide the rates of Green Fees to be payable by visitors to the club. Decide the rates for lockers and all such similar charges that may be required from time to time.
3.3.5. Generally to act in the promotion and advancement of the affairs of the club and the improvement of the facilities available to members.
3.3.6. Decide the maximum number of members of different categories which can be elected to each of the clubs and be responsible for the election of all members to each of the clubs and all members duly elected from time to time.
4.1. The Trustees shall be not more than 6 and not less than 4 full ordinary members of the Parent club. Trustees shall be appointed by the Committee of Management of the Parent club and such appointments shall be ratified at a General Meeting of the Parent club.
4.2. The club premises and such other property of the club as the Committee of Management of the parent club (hereinafter called the Council) shall determine, shall be vested in and under the legal control of the Trustees and such Trustees shall deal with the property of the Club as directed by a resolution of the Council of which an entry in the Minute Book shall be sufficient evidence.
4.3. Should any Trustee fail to carry out the instructions of the Committee of Management of the Parent club in the manner or within the time limit prescribed, that trustee shall be removed from office by an Annual General meeting or an Extraordinary General meeting of the Parent club and such removal shall not invalidate any acts of the remaining Trustees in any matter undertaken by them in accordance with the direction of the Committee of Management of the Parent Club.
4.4. The Trustees shall hold office until death or until they resign, cease to be Full Ordinary Members or be removed from office.
4.5. The Trustees shall not be liable (otherwise than as members) for any loss suffered by the club as a result of their duties on its behalf and they shall be indemnified out of Parent club property and assets in respect of all transactions directed by a resolution of the council and against all liabilities and expenses properly incurred by them by reason of their position as Trustees and in so far as the assets of the Parent club may be deficient, by the Full Ordinary Members for the time being of the Parent club.
5.1. The Officers of the Men’s club shall be a Captain, a Vice-Captain, an Honorary Secretary, an Honorary Treasurer, an Honorary Handicapping Secretary and a Juvenile Officer.
5.2. The Officers of the Ladies’ club shall be a Captain, a Vice-Captain, an Honorary Secretary, an Honorary Treasurer and an Honorary Handicapping Secretary.
5.3. The Officers of the Parent club shall be The Captain, The Lady Captain, An Honorary Secretary, An Honorary Treasurer, An Honorary Course Convenor, An Honorary Assistant Secretary, An Honorary Assistant Treasurer, The Men’s Vice-Captain and the Ladies Vice-Captain.
6.1. A Club President shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting of the Parent Club. The President shall retire annually and shall be eligible for appointment but no person shall serve more than 2 years as President. The President shall be nominated for appointment by the Committee of Management of the Parent Club.
7.1. The business and affairs of both the Men’s and the Ladies’ clubs shall be under the jurisdiction and control of two committees (hereafter referred to as the Men’s Committee and the Ladies’ Committee) consisting of the Officers of the Men’s club and Officers of the Ladies’ club respectively plus four other persons elected from each club under Sub Clause 8.3. In addition the outgoing captain of each club shall be an ex-officio member of committee for one year following his/her term of office.
7.2. The business and affairs of the Parent club shall be under the jurisdiction and control of a Committee of Management (called “the Council”) consisting of the Officers of the Parent Club and 4 other members of the Parent Club elected under sub clause 8.3.
7.3. Each of the aforementioned committees may exercise its powers notwithstanding that there might be a vacancy or vacancies in its membership.
7.4. Nothing in this rule shall preclude a member of either the Men’s Committee or Ladies’ Committee being also a member of the Committee of Management or vice versa.
7.5. At meetings of any of the foregoing committees fifty per cent plus one of those entitled to attend and vote shall form a quorum.
7.6. At Meetings of the Men’s Committee and Ladies’ Committee the chair shall be taken by the Captain or if absent, by the Vice-Captain of the Club concerned. At Meetings of the Committee of Management of the Parent Club the chair shall be taken by the Captain or if absent by the Lady Captain. If both are absent those in attendance having a vote shall elect a chairperson.
7.7. The Chairperson at a meeting shall, in addition to a deliberate vote, have and exercise a casting vote.
8.1. The Officers and Committee members shall retire annually but shall be eligible for re-election.
8.2 The Vice Captains of the Men’s Club and the Ladies’ Club shall be nominated by the Incoming Captains of the respective clubs with the approval of the respective committees and shall be Captain in the succeeding year with the approval of the Annual General Meeting of that Club.
8.3 The election of Officers and Members of the Committees shall be made at the respective Annual General Meetings.
8.4 Nominations (with the consent of the nominee) for the election to any Honorary Office or as an ordinary member of a committee shall be made except as heretofore provided:-
(a) By the General Committee of the particular Club. Or
(b) By any two Full Ordinary voting Members of the particular club.
8.5 All nominations shall be given to the Honorary Secretary of the particular Club concerned at least 7 clear days before the Annual General Meeting of that club.
8.6 A complete list of nominees for officers and ordinary committee members together with names of their proposers and seconders must be posted on the Club Notice Board for at least seven days prior to the date of the particular Annual General Meeting. Should there be insufficient nominations for committee in accordance with this rule the Chairman at the respective Annual General Meeting shall call for and accept nominations. Those already nominated in accordance with this rule shall be duly elected if the numbers nominated is insufficient to comply with the rule. The remaining places shall be filled by secret ballot from among those nominated at the meeting.
8.7 The respective Committees shall have power to fill vacancies occurring in any of these offices (including membership of its committee) during the year. The persons so appointed shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting of the particular club.
8.8. No Candidate shall be eligible for election unless they are Full Ordinary members of the Parent Club. However in the event of their being insufficient nominations from the full ordinary members of the Parent Club, to fill any vacant Ordinary Committee members position within the Men’s and Ladies Clubs and following the A.G.M. of that particular club, that club may co-opt an Ordinary Committee member onto its clubs committee. Such co-opted Ordinary Committee member may be drawn from any membership category within the club and whose handicap index is held at County Cavan Golf Club.
8.9. The Office of any office Bearer or ordinary member of committee shall cease to hold office on resigning there from or on ceasing to be a Full Ordinary Member of the Parent club or on being removed from membership under Clause 21.
8.10. In the event of two or more candidates receiving the same number of votes for the last place or places on a club Committee the presiding chairperson shall decide by lottery which candidate or candidates shall be elected.
8.11. The position of Officer or Member of a committee shall be vacated if the Officer or Committee member shall be absent without permission of the appropriate committee for four consecutive meetings of the committee held during that period without submitting legitimate reason.
8.12. Any Officer or Member of a committee, who has attended fewer than 1/3rd of the meetings held during the year, shall be ineligible for re-election for the subsequent year. Illness or enforced absence (subject to the appropriate committee deeming said absence reasonable) is, however, considered a legitimate reason for non-attendance.
8.13. Any Officer or member of a committee who has been removed from office shall be ineligible for re-election to any office of the club or to any committee of the club for a period of five years.
8.14. The men’s and Ladies Officers and Committees shall take office immediately following the Annual General Meeting of the Parent Club.
9.1. Stated Meetings of the Men’s and the Ladies Committees shall be held at least once every two months.
9.2. Stated meetings of the Committee of Management shall be held at least once monthly.
9.3. Special meetings may be held on such dates as may be found convenient for the transaction of business on at least 2 days, notice being given by the Captain, Chairperson or Honorary Secretary of the respective committee.
9.4. Upon a requisition signed by not less than 50% of the members of a Committee, stating the nature of the business to be transacted, the Captain, Chairperson or Honorary Secretary concerned shall call a special meeting of such committee for the consideration thereof: and if the Officers designated above neglect or refuse to call such meeting within seven days the same may be convened by notice signed by not less than 50% of members of such committee.
10.1. The committee of Management shall have power to appoint employees in such terms and conditions as the committee may determine, to terminate such appointments and also to appoint substitutes from time to time.
11.1. The Committee of Management is empowered to make, and from time to time alter such Bye-Laws and Regulations for the management of the Parent Club as it may consider necessary.
11.2. The Committee of Management in consultation with both the Men’s and Ladies Committees is empowered to make such Local Rules (provided same are not at variance with the Rules of Golf) and Regulations for the use of the course as are required in the interest of all members.
11.3. Every member of every category and every visitor or other person using the Clubhouse or course shall be subject to, and must comply with, all Rules, Bye-Laws and Regulations in force.
12.1. The Men’s, Ladies’ Committees and the Committee of Management shall each have power to appoint sub committees and to appoint members of their respective clubs, to act on such sub committees and to define the scope of their authority and to delegate and confer upon such sub committees the powers necessary for the discharge of the function or functions for which such sub committees were formed.
12.2. Each Sub Committee shall retire annually on the date of the Annual General Meeting of its respective club or when the function for which it was appointed is completed.
12.3. The quorum of each Sub Committee shall be defined at the time of appointment.
12.4. The Chairperson of each Sub Committee shall, in addition to a deliberate vote, have and shall exercise a casting vote.
13.1 The three sections of the club shall be administered as follows:
13.1.1. The Honorary Secretary of the Men’s club shall be responsible for the everyday affairs of that club except such duties which are specifically assigned to another officer of the Men’s Club.
13.1.2. The Honorary Secretary of the Ladies’ club shall be responsible for the every-day affairs of that club except such duties which are specifically assigned to another officer of the Ladies club.
13.1.3.The Honorary Secretary of the Parent club shall be responsible for the everyday affairs of that club except such duties which are specifically assigned to another officer of the Parent Club.
13.1.4. All complaints, which must be in writing, concerning matters under the jurisdiction and control of the Club concerned shall be referred to the Honorary Secretary of the Club concerned. The Honorary Secretary shall place the complaint on the agenda for the next meeting of the Club concerned for investigation and decision.
13.1.5.The Honorary Secretary of the Parent Club shall also act as Liaison Officer between the Committee of Management and each of the Men’s and Ladies’ Committees.
14.1. The financial affairs of the Parent Club shall be operated as follows:-
14.1.1.The Honorary Treasurer of the Parent Club shall keep full and detailed accounts, books and records showing the financial affairs, receipts and disbursements of the Parent Club.
14.1.2. The Banking account shall be kept in the name of the Parent Club (and shall be clearly identified as such) in such Bank as the Committee of Management may from time to time determine. All cheques shall be signed as authorised by resolution of the Committee of Management.
14.1.3.The Honorary Treasurer of the Parent Club shall issue an audited statement of the affairs of the Parent Club for the financial year ended 30th September for consideration by the Committee of Management and for presentation to and approval by the members at the Annual General Meeting of the Parent Club which shall be held not later than 31st December following.
14.1.4. The Committee of Management shall determine the budget necessary for the proper running of the Parent Club and shall, subject to review from time to time throughout the year, determine the annual contribution (if any) required from the Men’s Club and the Ladies’ Club to the Parent Club.
14.1.5. The Committee of Management may make Grants from time to time to the Men’s and Ladies’ clubs in such sums, as the Committee of Management shall in its absolute discretion see fit.
14.1.6. The Committee of Management shall be responsible for the payment of the Annual Subscription and the Provincial Levy payable to Golf Ireland in respect of members of the Men’s and Ladies Clubs
14.1.7. The Committee of Management shall appoint auditors who shall not be members of the Committee to audit and certify the Parent Club accounts for the preceding year.
14.1.8. The Committee of Management of the Parent Club, without authorisation of a General Meeting, may borrow such monies as are necessary for the purchase and maintenance of machinery and equipment in connection with the keeping of the course, the purchase and maintenance of equipment and fittings in connection with the running of the clubhouse and for the general day to day running of the Club.
14.1.9. The Committee of management of the Parent Club may borrow money for developments other than those covered by clause 14.1.8, and also secure payment thereof in any manner expedient and in particular by the issue of Charges, Debentures and Mortgages on the property of the Club subject to the approval of an Annual or Extraordinary General meeting of the Parent Club.
14.1.10.The Committee of Management of the Parent Club shall have power to acquire, transfer, or dispose of Lands or property, which same shall be vested in the Trustees, subject to the approval of an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting of the Parent Club.
14.1.11 A Capital levy shall only be imposed by a resolution at a General Meeting of the Parent Club. The amount of such levy shall be payable at such time or times and in such manner as the General Meeting of the Parent Club shall resolve
.14.1.12. The Committee of Management of the Parent Club shall have power to impose, alter or suspend entrance fees, as they may deem advisable in the interest of the Club.
14.2 The financial affairs of the Men’s Club and the Ladies’ Club shall be operated as follows:-
14.2.1 The Honorary Treasurers of the Men’s Club and the Ladies’ Club shall keep full and details accounts, books and records, showing the financial affairs, receipts and disbursements of the Men’s Club and the Ladies’ Club respectively.
14.2.2 The Banking Accounts shall be kept in the name of the Men’s Club, and in the name of the Ladies’ Club (and shall be clearly identified as such) in such banks as the Men’s Committee and the Ladies’ Committee may, in consultation with the Committee of Management, from time to time determine. All cheques shall be signed as authorised by the Committees of the Men’s club and the Ladies’ Club respectively.
14.2.3 The Men’s Committee and the Ladies’ Committee shall be entitled to charge entry fees in Club and Open Competitions under its control and management and for which they have arranged for the provision of prizes.
14.2.4 The Honorary Treasurers of the Men’s Club and the Ladies’ Club shall, on demand from time to time throughout the year, furnish details of the financial affairs of the Men’s Club and the Ladies’ Club to the Committee of Management of the Parent Club.
14.2.5 The Honorary Treasurer of the Men’s Club and the Honorary Treasurer of the Ladies’ Club shall issue a statement of the affairs of the Men’s Club and the Ladies Club for the financial year ended 30th September for consideration by the Men’s Committee and the Ladies’ Committee respectively for presentation to and approval by the members at the Annual General Meetings of the Men’s Club and the Ladies’ Club which shall be held not later than the 30th November following.
14.2.6 Following the meeting of the Men’s Committee and the Ladies’ Committee at which the accounts are considered the Honorary Treasurer of both Clubs shall immediately forward a copy of the accounts to the Honorary Treasurer of the Committee of Management for incorporation into the accounts of the Parent Club together with any surplus funds.
15.1 The Committee of Management of the Parent Club shall determine the limitations as to the numbers of members elected to the different categories of membership.
15.2 Subject to the agreed limitations the election of all members shall be in the hands of the Committee of Management of the Parent Club. The mode of election of members shall be as decided by the Committee of Management of the Parent club.
15.3 The procedure for the election of members shall be as follows:
15.3.1 Applicants seeking membership shall be proposed by an ordinary member of the Club and seconded by another. A member proposing or seconding a candidate for membership must be a Full Ordinary Member of the club of at least three years standing or have been a member of the Men’s or Ladies’ Club for a least three years prior to the coming into operation of this constitution.
15.3.2 An ordinary Member wishing to propose a candidate for election shall obtain from the Honorary Secretary of the Committee of Management an appropriate application form. This form must be returned to the Honorary Secretary of the Committee of Management duly completed and signed by the applicant, the proposer and the seconder.
15.3.3 A list of applicants for membership shall be kept by the Honorary Secretary of the Parent Club.
15.3.4 Immediately upon election of an applicant to membership, notice in writing shall be dispatched to such applicant by the Honorary Secretary of the Parent Club and a copy of this notice together with any relevant information shall be forwarded to the Honorary Secretary of the Men’s Club or the Honorary Secretary of the Ladies Club as appropriate.
15.3.5 No applicant shall be admitted to the Club unless and until they pay, within the time limit specified in the notification of election, their subscription and entry fee and/or any levy as determined by the Committee of management.
16.1. The following shall be the categories of Member, which may be elected to the Club.
16.1.1 Full Ordinary Members shall comprise men and Women who, having paid the entrance fee (if any), Annual Subscription and Capital Levy (if any), applicable to this category, shall be entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting or all Extraordinary General Meetings of either the Men’s Club or the Ladies’ Club of which each such member has been elected a voting member and at all Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings of the Parent Club. Only a member of this category shall have an interest in the Club property which interest shall cease on such member leaving this category unless the Member has been elected an Honorary Member of the Club. Ordinary members are often known and referred to as Full Members and only such members are eligible for election as Officers or members of Committees.
16.1.2 Honorary Members shall comprise persons whom the Committee of management of the Parent Club wishes to acknowledge as having rendered exceptional service to the Club or to the game of golf or whose distinguished or influential position would render their membership desirable to the Club. Honorary members shall be elected by the Committee of Management of the Parent Club and such election shall be subject to confirmation by the Annual General Meeting of the Parent Club following. Election of a person to Honorary membership by the Committee of Management of the Parent Club shall require a majority of a least two thirds of the Committee of Management voting in secret ballot. Honorary Members who have been Ordinary Members shall have all the entitlements of a Full Ordinary Member. Honorary members who have not been Ordinary Members shall have all the entitlements of an Ordinary Member save that they shall not having voting rights and shall not be entitled to an interest in the Club property.
16.1.3 Country members shall comprise persons who are members with voting rights of another Club affiliated to Golf Ireland and who have paid the Entrance fee (if any). Annual Subscription and Capital Levy (if any) applicable to this category. They must be resident more than 8 miles from Cavan Town. Country members shall not be eligible to play in competitions “except as laid down by the Men’s and Ladies Committees” and shall not have voting rights.
16.1.4 Pavilion members shall comprise persons who shall be entitled to use the Clubhouse facilities only and who have paid the Entrance fee (if any) Annual Subscription and Capital Levy (if any) applicable to this category. Pavilion members shall not be entitled to use the course for the playing of golf and shall not have voting rights.
16.1.5 Juvenile members must be under 18 years of age on the 1st Day of January in the relevant year. Juvenile members shall pay the current annual subscription applicable to this category and shall continue to be juvenile members until they attain the age of 18 years, when they may at the discretion of the Committee of Management of the Parent Club be elected a Student Member without entrance fee. Juvenile members shall have neither voice nor vote in the Management of the Club. Juvenile members are subject to such conditions and competition rights, as the Committee of management of the Parent Club shall decide.
16.1.6. Student members shall consist of persons over 18 years of age and who are receiving full-time education in school, college, university or who are articled clerks to any professional bodies or apprenticed to any trade, who have paid the current annual subscription applicable to this category and who have duly been elected to that category by the Committee of Management of the Parent Club. Student Members are subject to such conditions and competition rights, as the Committee of Management of the Parent Club shall decide.
16.1.7. Staff members shall comprise members of the staff who, having paid the entrance fee (if any) Annual Subscription and Capital Levy (if any) applicable to this Category, shall have full playing rights. They shall not be entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting, or at all Extraordinary General Meetings of the Men’s or Ladies’ Clubs and Extraordinary General Meetings of the Parent Club. Members of this category shall have no interest in the club property. Members of this category are not eligible for election as officers or members of committees.
16.1.8. Overseas members shall comprise persons who are members with voting rights of another Club affiliated to a National or International Golf Union who have paid the entrance fee (if any), Annual Subscription and Capital Levy (if any) applicable to this category. They must be resident outside the island of Ireland. Overseas members shall not be eligible to play in club competitions and shall not have voting rights or interest in the Club property. The committee may at its discretion include a category prize for overseas members in club competitions.
16.1.9. Distance Members comprise persons who are not members of any other affiliated golf club, who live over 50 miles from the course and have no address within that distance. This club is their home club for handicap purposes. They have no ownership rights or voting rights in the club and they are entitled to play in all competitions except the Captain Prize, The Presidents Prize, The Members Cup and the Free Subscription competitions.
16.1.10.Beginner Members comprise persons who have not played golf before, were not members of an affiliated golf club or affiliated golf society before and have never received a Golf Ireland WHS handicap. They are not entitled to any ownership stake in the club, to voting rights, or to play in any of the club competitions. Any qualifying person is entitled to this category of membership for two years only.
16.1.11.Husband/Wife/Partner comprises two persons who are married to each other or couples consisting of two persons who are co-habiting for a period in excess of two years. The above definition is not to be considered exhaustive The Committee of Management shall decide on whether any such application for the above category of membership is successful and the said Committee of Management shall be the sole arbiter in that regard. If such application is rejected the said Committee of Management shall not be obliged to give any reason for such rejection. Members of this category shall have the rights and interests as laid down in Article 16.1.1 of the Constitution.
16.1.12. Family Membership comprises two parents and/or a lone parent and all or any of his/her/their children subject to such children being under the age of twenty one years and in full-time education. The above definition is not to be considered exhaustive. The Committee of Management shall decide on whether any such application for the above category of membership is successful and the said Committee of Management shall be the sole arbiter in that regard. If such application is rejected the said Committee of Management shall not be obliged to give any reason for such rejection. Parents in this category shall have the rights and interests as laid down in Article 16.1.1 of the Constitution. Depending on their age children in this category shall have the rights and interests as laid down in Article 16.1.5 or 16.1.6 of the Constitution.
16.1.13. Under 35’s Membership shall be comprised of members who are under 35 years on the 1st day of January of the relevant year. Under 35’s category members will have no ownership rights or voting rights in the club and they are entitled to play in competitions as set by the Ladies and Men’s Committees. Members of this Category must transition from this Category after a maximum membership period of 4yrs or on reaching the age of 35yrs. Membership of this Category will be subject to the payment of the following annual subscription; Year 1 €300, Year 2 €400, Year 3 €500, Year 4 €600.
17.1. All categories of members, except Honorary Members, shall be required to pay an Annual Subscription.
17.2. The amount payable by the different categories shall be fixed by the Committee of Management of the Parent Club in accordance with clause 3.3.3.
17.3. All subscriptions shall be payable on 1st January in any year.
17.4. Members whose subscriptions are not paid by the 31st March shall not be eligible to take part in competitions or to represent the club in team competitions until such subscriptions and levies have been paid. A surcharge at the discretion of the Committee shall be imposed on subscriptions and levies remaining unpaid on 1st April each year.
17.5. The Committee shall declare that any person whose subscription and levy is unpaid on 1st May shall no longer be a Member of the Club and that member shall be informed accordingly.
17.6. The Parent Committee have the right to refuse membership, without explanation to any person making an application. It also has the right to invoice any member, who is included in the wrong category, for the balance of money, including earlier year arrears, which would have been payable by the person if they did not qualify under the Rules for the category into which they have been first admitted. Any such arrears become payable where there are reasonable grounds for claiming them, where the member is written to explaining those grounds and where the member fails within one month of writing out to show that the grounds for claiming such monies were correct and they did in fact qualify for the category which they had been in.
18.1. The Committee of Management of the Parent Club shall have power to grant leave of absence to members for one subscription year. During this period such member shall be relieved of the responsibility for paying an annual subscription and shall not be entitled to exercise any privileges of membership. Any accumulated levies in force must be paid in full when membership is resumed. Application for leave of absence under this rule, giving reasons thereof, must be made to the Honorary Secretary of the Parent Club one month before the subscription falls due.
19.1. Any Full Ordinary Member or Honorary member may introduce visitors.
19.2. It shall be a condition that the member effecting the introduction shall enter each visitor’s name, address and date of visit immediately on entering the Clubhouse in a book to be kept for that purpose called a “Visitors Book” and such entry must be at tested by the signature of the introducing member.
19.3. No visitor shall be supplied with excisable liquor in the Club Premises unless on the invitation of and in the company of the introducing member.
19.4. The charge for a playing visitor shall be fixed from time to time by the Committee of Management of the Parent Club under sub clause 3.3.4. who are also empowered to make regulations for the admission of non-playing visitors.
19.5. Before using the facilities of the Course or the Clubhouse a playing visitor must enter his name, his Club, the name of the introducing member and the date in a “Green Fee Book” and pay the appropriate fee as stipulated by the Committee of Management.
19.6. The Committee of Management of the Parent Club, having made and attested the necessary entry in the Visitors Book may permit any person or group not having an introduction from a member to play on the course and use the Clubhouse as a visitor on payment of such Green Fees as the Committee of Management shall from time to time decide.
19.7. The payment of the Green Fee shall entitle the visitor to temporary membership of the club for the day.
19.8. A member who fails to enter a visitor’s name in the Visitors Book shall be liable to a fine to be decided by the Committee of Management of the Parent Club and shall be personally responsible for the payment of the appropriate Green Fee where applicable.
19.9. The Committee of Management of the Parent Club shall have power to suspend the rules permitting the introduction of visitors or temporary members at any time and refuse permission for any particular visitor or temporary member to use the clubhouse or course.
19.10. Competitors in Club Open Competitions and practice days held on the Course and extending for more than one day shall on payment of the entrance fee for the competition and on such fee being accepted by the Committee in charge of the competition, be eligible to use the course and clubhouse, without further payment or nomination for election as Temporary Members and for every day during the continuance of such competition. All such competitors shall be Temporary Members for the duration of such competition.
19.11. Competitors in Club open competitions limited to one day shall likewise be eligible for Temporary membership status on the day of the competition only.
19.12. Any Officer Bearer or any two members of the Committee of Management of the Parent Club may (and without assigning any cause, if they so think right) cancel the admission of any Day visitor or Temporary member whose admission may be irregular or whose presence they may deem objectionable, or who deliberately breaks any of the Rules, Bye-Laws or regulations of the Club.
19.13. The fee paid by any such Visitor or Temporary Member may, at the discretion of the Committee of Management of the Parent Club, be either forfeited or refunded. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the foregoing rules contained, the Committee of Management of the Parent Club may permit any person, team or group to play on the course and use the Clubhouse without payment of any Green Fee provided that the Committee complies with the provisions of the Registration of Clubs Acts 1904/1988 and the Intoxication LiquorAct1988 and any amendment or extension to these Acts.
20.1. The Committee of Management of the Parent Club is empowered to impose fines for breaches of the Rules, Bye-Laws and Regulations of the Parent Club in force for the time being or for breaches of the etiquette of golf, and may also at any time (either instead of or in addition to fines) temporarily withdraw the use of the Clubhouse and course from any member whose conduct or breaches of the Rules, Bye-Laws or Regulations may in the opinion of the Committee of Management of the Parent Club justify this course.
20.2. Any member refusing or failing to pay a fine so imposed and after notification thereof shall be suspended from the use of the Clubhouse and Course until such time as the fine shall be paid.
20.3. Each of the Men’s and Ladies’ Committees shall report any member of their club to the Committee of Management of the Parent Club for investigation and penalty under this rule if they, in their absolute discretion, consider the breach warrants it.
21.1. The Committee of Management of the Parent Club shall have the power, to be exercised jointly in accordance with the provisions of this rule, to deprive a member of membership of the club, where the member acting contrary to the Rules, Bye-Laws or Regulations of the Club in a manner which injures or discredits the club in the opinion of the Committee of Management and continues so to act for the 14 days after posting of notice to him by the Honorary Secretary of the Committee of Management without reply that member shall cease to be a member of the Club.
21.2. The Committee of Management of the Parent Club shall make such decision under clause 21.1. by a majority of two thirds of its members then present at a Committee meeting.
21.3. The Committee of Management of the Parent Club shall fix a date for the Committee meeting at which the matter of the member’s resignation shall be considered. The member shall be given two weeks- notice of the date and place of the meeting.
21.4. The notice shall be in writing and shall inform the member of the Committee’s decision and the reasons why the member is being called on to resign. It shall incorporate a copy of this rule.
21.5. The notice shall be deemed to have been duly given if sent by prepaid registered post to the member’s last known postal address or to the member’s last address appearing in the records of the Club.
21.6. If the member should reply to such notice either apologising for or explaining the reason for such conduct the Committee of Management shall have absolute discretion as to how they shall deal with the matter and may give such member an opportunity of appearing before them or their representatives before making a decision which shall be final.
21.7. When the Committee of Management reaches its decision the member concerned shall be notified in writing accordingly.
21.8. Any category of member may be deprived of membership in accordance with the provisions of this rule.
21.9. The Honorary Secretary of the Parent Club shall notify the Honorary Secretary of the Men’s Club and the Ladies’ Club of the name of any such member.
22.1. The Men’s Club and the Ladies’ Club
22.1.1. The Annual General Meeting of the Men’s Club and the Ladies’ club shall, except for exceptional circumstances be held no later than the end of the month of November for receiving the Men’s Club and Ladies Club Committees Annual Reports and the Financial Statements for the year ended the previous 30th September; for electing Office Bearers, members of Committee, revising (subject to approval of the Parent Club) its rules and transacting such other business of the Men’s Club and Ladies club as may be on the Agenda.
22.1.2. Seven days-notice, at least, of such Annual General Meetings shall be given to all adult members and Honorary members of each club. Only Full Ordinary members and Honorary members who have been previously Full Ordinary members shall have a voting right at such Annual General Meeting
22.1.3. Notices of motion must be made to the respective Honorary Secretary in writing at least 14 days before the Annual General Meetings and must be signed by a proposer and seconder.
22.1.4. Such notices shall be posted on the Club Notice Board at least seven days prior to the meeting.
22.1.5. Nominations for Officers and Members of the Committees of the Men’s Club and the Ladies’ Club shall be in accordance with Clauses 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6.
22.1.6.Notices of motion and nominations not made as required cannot be considered at the Annual General Meetings.
22.2. The Parent Club
22.2.1. The Annual General Meeting of the Parent Club shall, save in exceptional circumstances, be held in the month of December for receiving the Committee of Management Annual Report and the duly audited Financial Statement for the year ended the previous 30th September: for electing Office Bearers, Members of Committee, revising rules and transacting such other business of the Club as may be on the Agenda.
22.2.2. Seven days-notice, at least, of such Annual General Meeting shall be given to all adult members and Honorary members of the Club. Only Full Ordinary members and Honorary members who have previously been Full Ordinary members shall have a voting right at such Annual General Meeting.
22.2.3. Notices of Motion must be made to the Honorary Secretary of the Committee of Management of the Parent Club, in writing, at least 14 days before the Annual General meeting and must be signed by the proposer and seconder.
22.2.4. Such notices shall be posted on the Club Notice Board at least 7 days prior to the meeting.
22.2.5. Nominations of Officers and Members of Committee of Management of the Parent Club shall be in accordance with clauses 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6.
22.2.6. Notices of motions and nominations not made as required cannot be considered at the Annual General Meeting.
22.3. Notification to the Parent Club
22.3.1. Immediately following the Annual General Meetings of each of the Men’s and the Ladies’ Clubs the respective Honorary Secretaries shall notify the Honorary Secretary of the Committee of Management of the Parent Club of the names of the Captain and Vice-Captain of their Club who shall represent that club on the Committee of Management for the ensuing year.
22.3.2. Each Honorary Secretary shall also forward to the Honorary Secretary of the Committee of Management of the Parent Club, such Notices of Motion or recommendation as such Club wishes to submit for consideration at the Annual General Meeting of the Parent Club.
22.4. Extraordinary General Meetings:
22.4.1. Extraordinary General Meetings of any of the Clubs may be called at any time by direction of the Committee of the Club concerned or on a requisition to the Honorary Secretary of that Club signed by a least 30 members entitled to vote at such meeting, stating the business to be brought forward.
22.4.2. On receipt of such a requisition it shall be the duty of the Committee of the club concerned to convene a General Meeting within 28 days.
22.4.3. Seven days-notice of every Extraordinary General Meeting convened shall be given to the members entitled to attend and vote by a circular specifying the time and place of such meeting and the business to be transacted.
22.4.4. All notices calling Meetings may be sent to members by post, email or electronic means, by notice displayed in the club premises and by publication in the local newspaper.
22.5. Chairperson at General Meetings
22.5.1. The Captain, or if absent, the Vice-Captain shall preside at all General Meetings of the Men’s Club and the Ladies’ Club respectively.
22.5.2. The Captain, or if absent, the Lady Captain shall preside at all General Meetings of the Parent Club.
22.5.3. If any of the foregoing Officers are absent any other Chairperson may be appointed by the Meeting.
22.5.4. The Chairperson in addition to a deliberate vote shall have and shall exercise a casting vote.
22.6. Mode of Voting at General Meeting
22.6.1. No proxies shall be allowed.
22.6.2. Voting shall be either by a show of hands or by ballot. Ballot shall mean a vote on a voting paper.
22.6.3.A majority of one shall be sufficient to decide any question under discussion.
22.6.4. In the event of a tie, the Chairperson shall have and shall exercise a casting vote as provided in these rules.
22.6.5.If any member at a General Meeting proposes that the mode of voting on any particular matter shall be by ballot and this is seconded by another member, then the question of whether voting should be by a show of hands or by ballot shall be decided by ballot.
22.6.6. An election of candidates for membership of the Committee of either the Men’s or Ladies’ Club or for membership of the Committee of Management shall be by ballot and all members voting must vote for the full number of candidates for whom there are vacancies otherwise such voting paper is invalid.
22.6.7. Forty members entitled to attend and vote shall form a quorum at a parent club general meeting. In the case of the Men’s and Ladies Clubs the quorum of members entitled to attend and vote shall be thirty and twenty respectively.
23.1. The Men’s Club, the Ladies’ Club and the Parent Club shall each keep:-
23.1.1. A Minute Book in which shall be recorded the Minutes of Annual General and Extraordinary General Meetings and all Committee Meetings held in compliance with clause 9.
23.1.2.The respective minutes shall be read out at the next General or Statutory Committee Meeting and when approved as being a correct record shall be signed and dated by the chairperson.
23.1.3. The Men’s and the Ladies Committee shall each submit their Minute Books to the Committee of Management of the Parent Club when required.
24.1. The Committee of Management of the Parent Club, in consultation with the Men’s and Ladies’ Committees as appropriate, shall prescribe the days and times when members of the Men’s Club or the Ladies’ Club shall have the use of the course for competition or when the course is reserved for team matches, Union, Branch or District events.
24.2. Sunday shall be the prescribed day for the playing of Competitions by Members of the Men’s Club, and the midweek day selected by the Ladies’ Club shall be deemed their Competition Day.
24.3. The Committee of Management of the Parent Club shall decide on the facilities to be afforded to Societies or other groups subject to the proviso that the 1st Tee shall be reserved for Club Members on any day a Society or Group outing is permitted for such periods as are considered necessary for the convenience of the Members.
24.4. The Committee of Management of the Parent Club shall also be empowered to direct the days and times when fourballs, singles or other formats shall have priority, commencing play on the 1st or 10th tees and, generally, regulating the use of the Course for the benefit of members.
25.1. Any personal belongings of members, employees, visitors and others brought to, or kept at, or left on the premises of the Club (either in the Clubhouse or outside in the Car Park or on the course) shall be at the sole risk of the owners, and neither the Club nor any Committee shall be responsible for any loss or damage there to however arising, but this rule shall not prejudice any claims by the Club or the owners against Insurance Companies in case of fire, or when otherwise covered by Insurance.
26.1. No person other than a Member (as defined in Clause 2.3 hereof) shall order to pay for refreshments in the Clubhouse. Cash must be paid for every expense incurred in the Clubhouse before the person ordering leaves the premises.
26.2. No visitor shall be supplied with excisable liquor on the Club premises unless on the invitation of and in the company of a Member, and that Member shall, upon the admission of the visitor to the Club premises or immediately upon his being supplied with such liquor, enter his or her own name and the name and address of the visitor in a book which shall be kept for the purpose and which shall show the date of such visit.
26.3. The Committee of Management may prohibit the admission of any visitor to the club premises and no member shall bring any person whose admission is prohibited into the Club premises.
26.4. No excisable liquor shall be sold or supplied for consumption outside the premises of the Club, except to Members of the Club, between the hours of eight o’ clock in the morning and ten o’clock at night.
26.5. No excisable liquor shall be sold or supplied in the Club premises to any person under the age of eighteen years.
26.6. No Member of the Committee of Management, or Officer, and no Manager or Servant employed by the Club, shall have any personal interest in the sale to the Club of supplies of excisable liquor, or in the profits arising from such sale.
26.7. Subject to the exceptions specified in subsections (2) and (3) of this section, no excisable liquor shall be supplied for consumption on the club premises to any person (other than a member of the club lodging in the club premises) or be consumed on those premises by any person (other than such a member)-
(a) at any time on Christmas Day or Good Friday, or
(b) on any other day, outside the hours
specified in respect of that day in section 2(1)(b) (as substituted by section 3 of the Intoxication Liquor Act, 2000) of this Act.
(2) Nothing in the Registration of Clubs Acts, 1904 to 1999, or contained, by virtue only of the operation of subsection (1) of this section, in the rules of a club registered under those Acts shall operate to prohibit the supplying for consumption on the club premises of excisable liquor to any person or the consumption of excisable liquor on those premises by any person-
[No 17.] Intoxication Liquor Act 2000. [2000.]
(a) on Christmas Day, between 12.00 midday and 10.00 p.m., or
(b) on any other day, for one hour after the expiration of any period in respect of that day during which it is lawful for the club, by virtue of subsection (1) (b), to supply any excisable liquor for consumption on the club premises,
if in each case the excisable liquor is-
(i) ordered by or on behalf of that person at the same time as a substantial meal is so ordered, and
(ii) consumed by that person during the meal or after the meal has ended.
(3)(a) For the purposes of the Registration of Clubs Acts, 1904 to 1999, the rules of a club which at the commencement of section 7 of the Intoxication Liquor Act, 2000, is registered under those Acts, shall, during the transitional period, be deemed to be in conformity with this section.
(b) In this subsection, ‘transitional period’ means the period beginning at such commencement and ending-
(i) when the certificate of registration of the club which is in force two months after that date expires, or
(ii) when the rules of the club are brought into conformity with this section, whichever first occurs.”.
27.1. No rule of either the Men’s Club or the Ladies’ Club shall be repealed or altered or new rule made except at a General Meeting of such Club by a vote of a majority of those present and voting at such meeting. Written notice of the proposed change must be sent to the Honorary Secretary of the Club concerned with the names of the proposer and seconder attached in accordance with Clause 22.1.3.
27.2. Such notice shall be posted on the Club Notice Board at least seven days prior to the General Meeting.
27.3. The Honorary Secretary of the Club concerned shall place the notice on the Agenda of the Club concerned and acquaint the Committee of Management of same.
27.4. Any repeal, alteration or new rule so passed is subject to the approval of the Committee of Management.
27.5. No rule of the Parent Club shall be repealed or altered by or new rules made except at a General Meeting and by a vote of the majority of those present and voting at such meeting. Written notice of the proposed change must be sent to the Honorary Secretary of the Committee of Management with the names of the proposer and seconder attached in accordance with Clause 22.2.3.
27.6. Such notice shall be posted on the Club Notice Board at least seven days prior to the General Meeting.
27.7. The Honorary Secretary of the Committee of Management shall place the notice on the agenda.
28.1. Every member must be provided with a copy of the Club Rules.
28.2. The Committee of Management of the Parent Club shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of these rules and any other Regulations made thereunder and their decision shall be final and binding on the members.
28.3. Should any of these Rules, either now or in the future, be contrary to any of the Rules as laid down by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews or to any Rules, Bye Laws or Regulations of Golf Ireland it is to be considered as revoked in so far as it should be contrary to such rule.
28.4. This constitution was approved at a special General Meeting of Co. Cavan Golf Club on 15th September 1997. From that date it is binding on all members and it shall remain in force until repealed or amended.
28.5. The original constitution of the Club is hereby repealed. Every Bye-Law, Local Rule or Regulation made before the commencement of this new constitution shall from and after such commencement continue in force and be deemed to be made under this new constitution and to be capable of being amended or revoked accordingly.
28.6. In addition to the foregoing Rules and, if necessary, by way of amendment, the Clauses and Regulations embodied in the Registration of Clubs Acts 1904/1988 and the Intoxicating Liquor Act 1988 and any amendment of same shall be deemed to be Rules of the Club.
29.1. Notwithstanding any Rule, Clause, sub Clause or sub Clause hereinbefore contained, the Account of Co. Cavan Golf Club and its Associate membership shall be presented to the Parent Clubs Annual General Meeting for ratification.
29.2. Until such time as the Officers of the Parent Club are elected under this Constitution the Officers of Co. Cavan Golf Club as heretofore constituted shall continue to act and shall have all necessary powers under this constitution and the Officers of the Men’s Club and of the Ladies’ Club shall not take office until that event.
Golf Ireland, PGA (Irish Region)
Golf Ireland, PGA are fully committed to safeguarding the wellbeing of their members. Every individual in golf should at all times, show respect and understanding for members rights, safety and welfare and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the organisation and the guidelines contained in the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport.
In working with young people in golf our first priority is the welfare of the young people and we are committed to providing an environment that will allow participants to perform to the best of their ability, free from bullying and intimidation.